Payment methods: Card payment, Cash payment, Bank cheques; Insurance: Home Insurance, Travel Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Malpractice Insurance; Service Language: English, Hindi, Arabic, Urdu, Tagalog.
Oasis Insurance was truly designed with the customer in mind. Established in 2005, the company began to expand with aggressive business strategies and focus on the retail segment of the company. Although we have grown tremendously, we still hold to our belief that the customer is always at the heart of the business and the reason for everything we do.
The company is always taking strides forward in order to better serve its customers. We have an excellent infrastructure and business model that is five times what is currently needed. The buying process is also simplified and business transactions are made flexible. And it is all with the spirit of moving forward in mind.
The Future
Plan and Direction
Looking ahead, Oasis has the vision of being the top local broking house in the region.