
Customer Relationship Management: The Foundation Of Contemporary Marketing Strategy Paperback

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Author 1
Robert J. Galka
Book Description
This book balances the behavioral and database aspects of customer relationship management, providing students with a comprehensive introduction to an often overlooked, but important aspect of marketing strategy. Baran and Galka deliver a book that helps students understand how an enhanced customer relationship strategy can differentiate an organization in a highly competitive marketplace. This edition has several new features: Updates that take into account the latest research and changes in organizational dynamics, business-to-business relationships, social media, database management, and technology advances that impact CRM New material on big data and the use of mobile technology An overhaul of the social networking chapter, reflecting the true state of this dynamic aspect of customer relationship management today A broader discussion of the relationship between CRM and the marketing function, as well as its implications for the organization as a whole Cutting edge examples and images to keep readers engaged and interested A complete typology of marketing strategies to be used in the CRM strategy cycle: acquisition, retention, and win-back of customers With chapter summaries, key terms, questions, exercises, and cases, this book will truly appeal to upper-level students of customer relationship management. Online resources, including PowerPoint slides, an instructor's manual, and test bank, provide instructors with everything they need for a comprehensive course in customer relationship management.
Taylor And Francis Ltd
Publication Date
15 March 2017
Number of Pages
About the Author
Roger J. Baran is an Associate Professor of Marketing at DePaul University, USA. Robert J. Galka is an Executive-in-Residence at DePaul University, USA.
Author 2
Roger Joseph Baran
Editorial Review
Baran and Galka have written a CRM text that accomplishes what we need. They organize and describe what we know, integrate the knowledge and point to where it will be going, then tie it all in an easy-to-read, appealing package. CRM is not going away and good books on it are hard to find, but this is one of them. Richard Feinberg, Purdue University, USA An excellent book that is both very informative and also interesting to read. It covers the whole cycle, from having the correct marketing strategy that fits the organisation and its workforce to the technological requirements for successful CRM. It should be on every B2B marketing director's bookshelf. Julie McKeown, Aberystwyth University, UK The reality of today is that if you're a strategist thinking about how to differentiate your business and you're not thinking about the customer experience through CRM , you're probably missing out on a very important lever. CRM has come of age and this book provides the tools and techniques, blending technology with business to craft an integrated CRM strategy. Ken Lee, Auckland University of Technology, Australia Baran and Galka offer the most practical, actionable advice on what CRM is and how to make it work for your customers and company. In this second edition, they provide more cutting-edge how-to's as well as success stories from firms in a wide variety of industries. These authors are my CRM gurus! Susan K. Jones, Ferris State University and Susan K. Jones & Associates, USA