Role Playing in Psychotherapy Paperback
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Author 1
Raymond J. Corsini
Book Description
Role playing is the most naturalistic form of psychotherapy. In the safety and privacy of an office, psychiatrists and psychologists guide patients in more competent ways of living, and help patients see how they behave. Role playing, which is also used for diagnostic purposes by therapists, is an unparalleled procedure for letting patients see themselves in action, and helps them establish and assimilate in concrete fashion the insights achieved in the interview.From the point of view of the patient, psychotherapy has two main aspects; the personality of the therapist, which includes the attitude towards the patient and their understanding; and the procedures used by the therapist, such as how he conducts therapy. The therapist sees psychotherapy as a process which helps the patient to understand themselves, to modify their attitudes and levels of aspiration, and generate new ways of behaving. It is a process of change in the sense of abandoning old concepts, coming to new generalizations, and learning new behavior patterns for a current generation.
Taylor & Francis
Number of Pages