
Royal College Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists Advanced Skills: Fetal Medicine Hardcover

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Book Description
Based on the curriculum of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Advanced Training Skills Module in Fetal Medicine, this book provides a comprehensive knowledge base for all doctors practising in obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine worldwide. It acts as a reference source for the many changing concepts in fetal medicine and is well-illustrated with images of normal and abnormal findings in pregnancy that will facilitate proper understanding of normal and pathological fetal development. Coverage includes embryology, fetal physiology; fetal anomalies; fetal diseases; prescribing and teratogenesis in pregnancy; termination of pregnancy; fetal growth and wellbeing; multiple pregnancy; the placenta and amniotic fluid; and diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures. Readers will benefit from the theoretical knowledge and vast clinical experience of the internationally renowned authorship. Overall this book will prepare you for dealing with congenital abnormalities detected during pregnancy, including the organization and supervision of screening programmes for structural and chromosomal anomalies.
Cambridge University Press
Publication Date
01 May 2016
Number of Pages
Editor 1
Bidyut Kumar
Editor 2
Zarko Alfirevic
Editorial Review
... it provides a reasonable balance of text and imagery to support practical scan training alongside fetal medicine scan lists. In an ever-advancing field this book provides up-to-date information, including non-invasive prenatal testing and new fetal therapy techniques and, although aimed primarily at fetal medicine trainees, will also be a helpful source of knowledge for day-to-day work in fetal medicine clinics. I only wish it had been available at the start of my training.' Alan Cameron, The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 'The book is exceptionally well illustrated given its size - a good example of this is the excellent chapter on congenital heart disease ... Whilst part of a RCOG advanced skills series and written for the UK market, trainees and consultants in other countries who want to update their knowledge about fetal medicine would get real value from the book.' S. C. Robson, Ultrasound '... it provides a reasonable balance of text and imagery to support practical scan training alongside fetal medicine scan lists. In an ever-advancing field this book provides up-to-date information, including non-invasive prenatal testing and new fetal therapy techniques and, although aimed primarily at fetal medicine trainees, will also be a helpful source of knowledge for day-to-day work in fetal medicine clinics. I only wish it had been available at the start of my training.' Alan Cameron, The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 'The book is exceptionally well illustrated given its size - a good example of this is the excellent chapter on congenital heart disease ... Whilst part of a RCOG advanced skills series and written for the UK market, trainees and consultants in other countries who want to update their knowledge about fetal medicine would get real value from the book.' S. C. Robson