Payment methods: Card payment, Cash payment, Cashless payment, Bank cheques; Service Language: English, Hindi, Arabic, Urdu
NGC Nafees started off as a warehouse offering wallpapers for the residential market. Years later, it started to extend its focus towards the commercial market that prompts the addition of more products.
From wallpapers, NGC Nafees now carries a style-packed diversity of wall coverings, floorings, and fabrics that cater to all types of needs. Currently, it carries more than 50 trusted brands in interior furnishing under its portfolio.
With growing its product offering, NGC Nafees aims to serve its client better while at the same time opening its doors to more commercial opportunities.
NGC Nafees has taken over prestigious projects across the Middle East, and recently opened its showroom in Mumbai looking forward to bring, this time in India, the best interior furnishings in the region.
Address: NGC Nafees Wallpaper co. LLC; Salahuddin Road, Deira, Dubai, UAE;
Phone Number: +971 4 269 7575