Payment methods: Card payment, Cash payment, Bank cheques; Insurance: Home Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Travel Insurance, Motor Insurance, Life Insurance, Personal Medical Insurance, Fire Insurance, Electronic Equipment Insurance, Loss of Money Insurance, Group Medical Insurance, Marine and Cargo Insurance, Medical Malpractice Insurance, Sports Insurance, Expatriates Insurance; Service Language: English, Hindi, Urdu, Tagalog.
Nasco Middle East has rapidly grown to become one of the industryâs pace setters thanks to a respected reputation and a distinguished company culture.
Our team consists of skilled professionals equipped to provide a comprehensive ray of consultancies on corporates risks that face our partners within the Arab region.
In June 2012, we introduced a new look as part of a wider revamping of the Nasco Insurance Group's identity. Our new logo serves as a symbolic commitment to the continued evolution of the brand to better suit the needs of clients as well as that of the market.